At this year's Build Madison event, I made copper pipe table legs.

I started by designing/planning it. It had to be counter height, and it had to allow knees to comfortably fit under the table. I already had the chairs and a bench I wanted to use, as well as a slab table top I had gotten at Wood Craft. The bench was nearly too wide for the table top, so having legs in the corners of the table top was not going to work. I designed a copper pipe pedestal table.

Above-view showing how the stools and people's knees will fit with the pedestal table. Pipe-Parts Plan Elevation
I used 3 ten-foot poles of 1 inch type L copper pipe from Home Depot. For the fittings, I got them online from Supply House, because its about 1/3rd the price. The sheet below shows how many fittings I needed.

Copper is easy to solder together with a propane torch. Before Steel Wool clean up After Steel Wool clean up All done and in-place! We used pipe clips (the same type use to hold pipes up against walls) to secure the pedestal to the top.