I recently helped out a conglomerate of mitochondrial researchers with a large batch of graphs for their paper about new rat model strains. They had all their graphs prepared and ready to go, but they had been prepared in power point, so they were struggling to get them exported at good resolution, and the line thicknesses and font sizes were not consistent. The power point graphs were not bad, but I was able to quickly streamline the formatting so that they looked top notch and professional. The material I started with was vector-based in Power Point, so I was able to retain absolute precision in these graphs and retain their vector shapes within Adobe Illustrator. I removed redundant axis and outlines to reduce distraction for the reader. All the font sizes and colors were standardized. I prepared the final figures in the best format for journal submission, as well as the raw files in a single .AI file for safe keeping.

This is a valuable new model strain, and I think these figures will be used and referred to by other researchers for decades to come! Check out their full paper in the The Journals of Gerontology.