Adobe Illustrator Projects

Shape Inspiration
Fun inspiration for protein diagrams.
“This is how PCR works” Video & Model
Download this free tool that demonstrates PCR.
Playful Diagrams
Some fun playful science diagrams.
Calculate area and path-length in AI using Scripts
A very simple script you can use for analytical measurements in Illustrator.
DNA Brushes for Adobe Illustrator
4 different brushes that look like DNA/RNA that can be applied to any path in Adobe Illustrator.
Summary Diagram for Review Article
One image to summarize a lot of papers.
Ukulele Song Sheet
Chords and tabs music made to fit inside your ukulele case.
Physics of Color Changing Glass
Diagrams explaining how the eye perceives colors.
Seedling Brushes for Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator brushes for showing growth patterns in Arabidopsis seedlings.
C. elegans Brush for Adobe Illustrator
A brush that you can use to draw C. elegan nematodes quickly, wiggling whatever way you draw.
Lignin Brush for drawing in Illustrator
A brush for you to use in AI in order to draw Lignin squiggles in whatever shape you want.
How to Cross Arabidopsis
Educational download that illustrates how to cross two different Arabidopsis plants.

Kate Baldwin