Adobe Illustrator Projects

Capsule pill drawing colored green and orange
Pill Drawings for Article
Medicine-themed drawings for the The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Infographic on online ads
A diagram showing the flow of money from big name brands to nefarious websites for The Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
“Subway” Style Methods Diagram
Methods diagram for a wheat experiment
Backyard DIY Hobby Screen Printing
How to screen print for fun in your backyard with only modest material investment.
Quantum Error Journal Cover
I helped the McDermott lab with a cover submission for Nature about their ground breaking work on error correction in quantum computing qubits.
Biology Congratulations Card
Using elements of a specific curriculum to make a greeting card design.
Quantum Computing
Illustration of γ-ray hitting a quantum computing qubit chip for the McDermott lab.
Marriage Algorithm Journalism Diagram
A flow-chart style diagram for the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
Bacterial defense diagram
Diagram of select bacterial strategies for defense against T6SS antagonism for the Ross lab.
Neuron Activation Diagram
Diagram introducing how neurons transfer an itch sensation to the spinal cord
Plasma Cut-Out Door Guards
Presentation on Cut-Out Door Guards
Graphs showing insufficient medical Oxygen in Africa
Graphs and diagrams for a investigative journalism article.

Kate Baldwin