Adobe Illustrator Projects

Are vector or pixel images smaller files?
Some extreme examples of HUGE vector files that show vector isn't always smaller than pixel based files.
Diagram for new hypothesis of aging
Diagram explaining a new hypothesis as well as some graph formatting.
Methods Diagram
A methods diagram including the n-numbers for each measurement taken.
Aging Skin Diagram
Different layers of the skin change in different ways with aging.
Framing Data with Visualizations
Choosing how to display your data can emphasize different aspects.
Figures in Proposals
How to have the most beautiful and professional scientific grant application of them all!
Exporting a PDF from Word with Images
There are multiple ways to export a PDF from Word, and some are better than others!
Limitations of SVGs for Word
SVGs are a great format for figures inserted into Word for a scientific proposal. But there is a catch...
Savings SVGs from Adobe Illustrator for Word
The best way to export SVG files from AI for Word.
Single-cell transcriptome cell types
A cell-type diagram of bacterial symbiosis with plant roots for a single-cell transcriptome paper.
Methods Flow Chart
A molecular biology flow chart with icons
Graphic Abstract for Aging Cell
I drew this graphical abstract in Adobe Illustrator.

Kate Baldwin