Calculate area and path-length in AI using Scripts

A very simple script you can use for analytical measurements in Illustrator.
A very simple script you can use for analytical measurements in Illustrator.
How to paint the edges of business cards to achieve a fancy effect.
Colorize black and white images in a non-destructive way that keeps your raw data unchanged and safe.
4 different brushes that look like DNA/RNA that can be applied to any path in Adobe Illustrator.
One image to summarize a lot of papers.
How to use LinRegPCR with a Roche 480 for qPCR / Real Time PCR.
Chords and tabs music made to fit inside your ukulele case.
Diagrams explaining how the eye perceives colors.
Adobe Illustrator brushes for showing growth patterns in Arabidopsis seedlings.
Printable solution stickers for the lab that satisfy the criteria of some chemical safety officers.