All Project Posts:

Hand-writing labeled glasses made with vinyl-cut resists and sand blasting.
I drew Illustrations for a biology book
Quite possibly the world's best hiking kit!
Turns out clothing based on a 3D model of your body is NOT ready for prime time.
Instructions on how to make a timelapse camera system for recording seedlings.
Hunting down the true behind some badly-photoshoped fraudulent product websites.
Download, glue, and fold a printable hexaflexagon for your Valentine.
Detailed critique of a research paper being used to make bad policy decisions.
Animated Video about how there is DNA in your food
A laser-cut frame to help hold my cell phone centered on it's wireless charger.
My makerspace and I were mentioned in a recent magazine article.
Brian Vespermann and I made laser cut plaques as awards for the Beer and Cheese Fest.
Brian Vespermann and I made a beer themed 3D printed trophy for OktoBEERfest.
I gave three presentations at a Data Visualization Workshop, and the helpful content is linked here.
I recently judged a poster competition and also gave a presentation on best practices for scientific posters.
Possibly, my most useful build ever: the world's most elaborate rabbit enclosure.
I had a gallery opening of some of my Scientific Visualizations.
Making copper table legs with a propane torch and solder.
I made some holiday lighted, scented pine cones on the laser cutter.
Laser cut decorative door panel for Sector67 with gears.
The world's most elaborate, laser cut, wedding invitations.
I designed a laser-cut cover for my bathroom kick-plate heating vent.
Laser cut Poison Ivy Costume with leaves actually shaped like poison ivy
An article written about how graduate school trained me to communicate science visually.
I helped with Sector67's section of the new Madison Science Museum.
3D Model of beetle knob
Wiring a large lighting fixture using a cotton wood tree branch.
Paneled ion channel figure as well as an animated GIF of the channel opening.
I presented about the features of good and bad graphs at the UW Showcase.
Laser cut pie boxes for our wedding.

Kate Baldwin