Kate Baldwin LLC
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All Project Posts:
Are vector or pixel images smaller files?
Diagram for new hypothesis of aging
3D printed high heels
Grant figures conceptual tips
Shared Word Files
Exporting diagrams made in PPT into Word
Methods Diagram
Aging Skin Diagram
Framing Data with Visualizations
Figures in Proposals
Exporting a PDF from Word with Images
Scientific Proposals in Google Docs and Vector Images
Inserting SVGs into Word
Limitations of SVGs for Word
Savings SVGs from Adobe Illustrator for Word
Single-cell transcriptome cell types
Methods Flow Chart
Graphic Abstract for Aging Cell
Synthetic Biology Cover
Yellowstone Forest Fires
Engineering Pineapple Cutting Board
T-Shirt Design
Nanopore graphical abstract
Consistency in many figures
Vector vs Pixel
Fiction Book with Real Science
Animation Existing Graphics
Pulmonary Physiology Animation
Graphical Abstract and PCR Scheme
The Patchwork Human
Kate Baldwin