All Project Posts:

3D modeling and printing heels to attach to Pashion Footwear heels.
Dos and Do Nots of proposal figures.
For PIs collaborating on writing a grant proposal, we recommend a Word Doc shared on Microsoft OneDrive.
You can insert diagrams you made in Power Point into Word as vector Images that maintain their colors and are resizable.
Choosing how to display your data can emphasize different aspects.
How to have the most beautiful and professional scientific grant application of them all!
There are multiple ways to export a PDF from Word, and some are better than others!
I don't recommend using Google Docs for grant proposals for a lot of reasons
Inserting an SVG into Word is straightforward.
SVGs are a great format for figures inserted into Word for a scientific proposal. But there is a catch...
The best way to export SVG files from AI for Word.
A molecular biology flow chart with icons
I drew this graphical abstract in Adobe Illustrator.
A journal cover showing Bacteria working hard in a factory to fix nitrogen, in symbiosis with plant roots.
Species-specific drawings and animations for a journalism article about forest fires at Yellowstone park.
A little engineering pineapple design for a cutting board.
Fun T-Shirt Design
A paper about a new rat model stain with many graphs with matching formatting.
The differences between Vector-Based and Pixel-Based images.
I wrote and illustrated a mystery book with nature themes.
Animating existing graphics
Interactive educational ventilation / perfusion animation.
Graphical abstract for tidy short paper from the Wanagat lab,.
I drew many figures for a new Evolution Book by Dr. Luykx!
Composite photos add fun and interest to a new evolution book
Graphs from a new evolution book
Photoshopping an etching for better printing on paperback-quality paper
The home-made indoor rabbit enclosure finds a new home 7 years later.
A figure for a review about root nodule formation.
Stencil-Style Raccoon and Flying Squirrel
Designing a cut-out pattern for a trash screen, and how to preview router-cut designs in Adobe Illustrator.

Kate Baldwin