Aunt Edna's Heirlooms

Your Great Aunt Edna has passed away, leaving a safety deposit box full of codes and enigmas.

Can you solve the puzzle and claim the inheritance?

  • [icon-SafetyDepositBox] Aunt Edna's Heirlooms is an Escape-Room-In-A-Box style game. It is played on a tabletop at home, with no pressure and no time limit. There is only one instance of this game in the world.
  • [icon-Stamp] Designed to be easily and repeatedly shipped.
  • [icon-Diamond2] Thirteen senior-lady-themed enigmas culminate in a final grand lock box.
  • [icon-HeartPlayer] Collaborative team activity, no ‘turns,’ no list of rules. No losers, no 'hot-seat', no pressure.
  • [icon-Timer] Game time: 2 - 4 hours. Recommended to be played in ~2 sessions.
  • [icon-OneTime] Any given player will only want to play it once because after that the solutions to the puzzles are known.
  • [icon-Players] Players: 1 - 4 recommended. Intended for adults (and teens).
  • [icon-Puzzle2] Medium-difficulty enigmas, requiring some dedicated time and concentration.
  • [icon-Hints] Escalating, complete hints provided, thus preventing being 'stuck'.
  • [icon-Pencil2] Some puzzles are code-based cyphers. Paper and pencil are needed. Other puzzles are visual, some are assembly based. Hopefully there is something for everyone.
  • [icon-Bird] Tactile materials involved in all puzzles, as well as unexpected physical reveals.
  • [icon-K8] This game was made by Kate Baldwin for her friends and family to play at their homes. The game is played non-destructively, and then mailed/delivered to the next household to play. Refills of consumable parts are included and can also be refilled by Kate for unlimited future rounds.